Hey, are you the best you can be?
Are you giving your job your all?
Do you love going to work?
Do you have satisfaction from your job?
Why not? Why don’t you feel that you are doing and being the best you can be? I think it is because many of us are stressed out and do not allow ourselves the time to relax and enjoy.
Why do many people, regardless of our job do not have a strong sense of satisfaction and fulfillment?
Are Teachers are stressed out?
I was in a classroom yesterday. This is what I discovered:
* Teachers are stressed and pressured to cover a lot of material.
* Many teachers do not enjoy being in the classroom, for they are too occupied in running the class.
* Many teachers know how they SHOULD respond to certain situations, yet when confronted by them, they fail.
How to become better teachers:
I sat down with the teachers to discuss this. This is a partial blueprint to help them reach their goals and to become better teachers.
* Focus on your goal- what is it you want the children to learn. Make sure your lesson is clear, and most importantly short and to the point.
* children learn from hands on experience – engage children during play and consciously throw in some lesson reminders, extenders and interesting and useful tidbits.
* Be proactive- let children know your expectations and rules, prior to them breaking a rule they did not know about.
The teachers felt calmer knowing that it is OK if the lesson is short and powerful. They then added all the other information they wanted to teach to the classroom centers and followed up by asking children strategic questions and engaging them in conversations. The teachers relaxed and enjoyed engaging the children in a stress free environment.