Children keep us on our toes all the time- you thought it was tough until she just asked…
Your day has been going on a roll the moment you woke up and your daughter just walked into the kitchen where you are trying to think about supper when she asked a question which made you forget that there was dinner that needed to be served…. did she just ask that?!
How to answer what your child just asked:
Your child just asked the most mind blowing questions which has you struggling to come up with an answer? Yup, we all have that from time to time. You know the truth yet do not want to share it with him/ her, maybe he/she is too young or maybe you just don’t know how to answer that question.
How do you deal with tough questions that children ask?
You cannot ignore your child, you must respond yet how?
- Evaluate
- Think of an appropriate response
- Respond without emotion
- Follow up
Can I respond? Is there something more to the question?
Why do not not want to answer her/him?
If they are too young to understand you can always say you will understand it better when you are older, yet give them a basic response.
” Mom, how did Jane’s grandma die?” ” Honey, her grandma had been sick- the type of sick that can make people die.”
Children may just ask a mind boggling question to get your attention! It can be they are concerned. The only way to find out is to ask them!
” Why would you like to know?”
Sometimes a question can just come from curiosity- you can always tell them you will look into it and will get back to them later, and make sure to do so!
Other times a child just needs to hear that mom, dad or teacher was listening and a nod or Mmm will do the trick!
Think of a response:
The reason why this is a step is because a response should not be without thinking it through! Be rational when you respond!
You do not need to give a great answer right away. You can always say I will get back to you. This is a great time to build a relationship with your child, they are showing they want to hear from you! ( unless it is a rhetorical question!) show interest in their question.
See how they take your response. Are they satisfied?
Never respond with emotion! Do not yell at your child for asking a question! They may have asked to purposely trigger and emotional response from you!
Follow up:
It is important to follow up on their question. If you told them you will get back to them then do so. If they were not satisfied with your response ask yourself why.
Sometimes all children want is acknowledgement from a parent or teacher, they will pop their questions to hear you say mmmm and then run out to play and forget they asked something!